For publications see also NCBI-list and ResearchGate.
1. Kurz B, Schreiver I, Siewert K, Haslboeck B, Weiss KT, Hannemann J, Berner B, von Eichborn MI, Berneburg M, Baeumler W. Investigation of adverse reactions in tattooed skin through histological and chemical analysis. Dermatology. 2023 May 5:1. doi: 10.1159/000530949
2. Schubert S, Kluger N, Schreiver I. Hypersensitivity to permanent tattoos: Literature summary and comprehensive review of patch tested tattoo patients 1997-2022. Contact Dermatitis. 2023 May;88(5):331-350. doi: 10.1111/cod.14291
3. Foerster M, Dufour L, Bäumler W, Schreiver I, Goldberg M, Zins M, Ezzedine K, Schüz J. Development and Validation of the Epidemiological Tattoo Assessment Tool to Assess Ink Exposure and Related Factors in Tattooed Populations for Medical Research: Cross-sectional Validation Study. JMIR Form Res. 2023 Jan 11;7:e42158. doi: 10.2196/42158
4. Kochs, S., Hauri, U., Foerster, M., Bäumler, W. Schreiver, I., Tätowierungen: Neue Erkenntnisse über prähistorische Kunst. Chem. Unserer Zeit 2023
Schreiver, I. (2022). Gefährliche Stoffe in Tätowiermitteln und Freisetzung unter Lichteinfluss. In: Gerber, P.A. (eds) Tattoos und Tattooentfernung. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
1. Weiß, K., Schreiver, I., Siewert, K., Luch, A., Haslböck, B., Berneburg, M., Bäumler, W. Tattoos - more than just colored skin? Searching for tattoo allergens. J Dtsch Dermtol Ges, 19:657-669 (2021)
2. Hering, H., Zoschke, C., König, F., Kühn, M., Luch, A. & Schreiver, I. Phototoxic versus photoprotective effects of tattoo pigments in reconstructed human skin models. Toxicology, 460: 152872 (2021).
1. Hering, H., Zoschke, C., Kühn, M., Gadicherla, A.K., Weindl, G., Luch, A. & Schreiver, I.TatS - A novel in vitro tattooed human skin model for improved pigment toxicology research. Arch Toxicol, 94:2423–2434 (2020).
2. Giulbudagian, M., Schreiver, I., Singh, A.J., Laux, P. & Luch, A. Safety of tattoos and permanent make‑up: a regulatory view. Arch Toxicol, 94:357–369 (2020).
3. Schreiver, I. & Luch, A. Tattooing: overriding the skin barrier and the journey into the unknown. Arch Toxicol, 94:647–648 (2020).
4. Serup, J., Hutton Carlsen, K.*, Dommershausen, N., Sepehri, M., Hesse, B., Seim, C., Luch, A. & Schreiver, I. Identification of pigments related to allergic tattoo reactions in 104 human skin biopsies. Contact Dermatitis, 82(2):73–82 (2020).
1. Foerster, M.*, Schreiver, I., Luch, A. & Schüz, J. Tattoo inks and cancer. Cancer Epidemiol, doi:10.1016/j.canep.2019.101655 [Epub ahead of print] (2019).
2. Schreiver, I., Hesse, B., Seim, C., Castillo-Michel, H., Anklamm, L., Villanova, J., Dreiack, N., Lagrange, A., Penning, R., De Cuyper, C., Tucoulou, R., Bäumler, W., Cotte, M. & Luch, A. Distribution of nickel and chromium containing particles from tattoo needle wear in humans and its possible impact on allergic reactions. Part. Fibre Toxicol. 16, 33 (2019).
3. Schreiver, I., Hutzer, C., Luch, A. A Two-Step Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography Method with Mass Spectrometric Detection for Identification of Tattoo Ink Ingredients and Counterfeit Products. J. Vis. Exp. 147, e59689, (2019).
1. Schreiver, I., Eschner, L.-M. & Luch, A. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization tandem mass spectrometry for identification of organic tattoo pigments in inks and tissue samples. Analyst 143(16):3941-3950 (2018).
2. Hering, H., Luch, A. & Schreiver, I. Laser irradiation of organic tattoo pigments releases
carcinogens with 3,3’-dichlorobenzidine inducing DNA strand breaks in human skin cells. J Invest Dermatol 138(12):2687-2690 (2018).
3. Schreiver, I. & Luch, A. Tätowierungen - Gesundheitliche Risiken des permanenten Hautschmucks (article in German). internistische praxis 58, 726–735 (2018).
1. Schreiver, I., Hesse, B., Seim, C., Castillo–Michel, H., Villanova, J., Laux, P., Dreiack, N., Penning, R., Tucoulou, R., Cotte, M. & Luch, A. Synchrotron-based ν-XRF mapping and µ-FTIR microscopy enable to look into the fate and effects of tattoo pigments in human skin. Sci Rep 7, 11395 (2017).
2. De Cuyper, C., Lodewick, E., Schreiver, I., Hesse, B., Seim, C., Castillo‒Michel, H., Laux, P. & Luch, A. Are metals involved in tattoo-related hypersensitivity reactions? A case report. Contact Dermatitis 77(6): 397–405 (2017).
- Schreiver, I., Hutzler, C., Andree, S., Laux, P. & Luch, A. Identification and hazard prediction of tattoo pigments by means of pyrolysis—gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Arch Toxicol, 90(7):1639-1650 (2016).
- Schreiver, I. & Luch, A. At the dark end of the rainbow: data gaps in tattoo toxicology. Arch Toxicol 90: 1763-1765 (2016).
- Schreiver, I., Laux, P. & Luch, A. From tattooing to laser removal – risks of permanent skin decoration (article in German). UMID 1:5-10 (2016).
- Laux, P., Traulau, T., Tentschert, T., Blume, A., Al Dahouk, S., Bäumler, W., Bernstein, E., Bocca, B., Alimonti, A., Colebrook, H., De Cuyper, C., Dähne, L., Hauri, U., Howard, P., Janssen, P., Katz, L., Klitzman, B., Kluger, N., Krutak, L., Platzek, T., Scott-Lang, V., Serup, J., Teubner, W., Schreiver, I., Wilkniß, E. & Luch, A. A medical-toxicological view of tattooing. The Lancet 387:395-402 (2016).
- Schreiver, I., Hutzler, C., Laux, P.,Berlien, H.-P. & Luch, A. Formation of highly toxic hydrogen cyanide upon ruby laser irradiation of the tattoo pigment phthalocyanine blue. Sci Rep, 5:12915 (2015).
- Schmidt, S.M., Houterman, P.M., Schreiver, I., Ma, L., Amyotte, S., Chellappan, B., Boeren, S., Takken, F.L.W. and Rep, M. MITEs in the promoters of effector genes allow prediction of novel virulence genes in Fusarium oxysporum. BMC Genomics, 14:119 (2013).
Doctoral Thesis - Ines Schreiver
Tattoo Pigments: Biodistribution and Toxicity of Corresponding Laser Induced Decomposition Products, Freie Universität Berlin, 2018.