

Dr. Ines Schreiver

Co-Leader Dermatotoxicology Study Centre

Ines graduated as engineer in medical biotechnology (Technical University of Berlin) and finished her doctoral thesis in pharmacology at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2018 in the field of tattoo research. Since September 2017, she led the junior group "tattoo inks" at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). Since 2021, she is Co-Leading the newly formed Dermatotoxicology Study Centre at the BfR together with Dr. Katherina Siewert. 

Susanne Kochs

Doctoral Candidate 

Susanne studied Pharmacy in Kiel, Germany. She is part of the group since November 2019. She will work on the biodistribution and metabolism of tattoo ink ingredients. 

Lena Panse

Doctoral Candidate 

Lena studied Biotechnology in Berlin, Germany. She is part of the group since July 2023. She will work on 3D skin models and innate immune cells. 

Sandra Schiewe

Technical Assistant

Sandra is the centre of our lab force - as most technicians. She is part of our group since spring 2019. She mainly runs our cell culture and conducts a range of experiments in the lab.

Doctoral Candidates (Alumni)

2022, Dr. Henrik Hering, doctoral thesis: "Phototoxic interactions of tattoo pigments with laser and natural light in vitro" 

Master & Bachelor (since 2015)

2022, Anja Schreiber, Bachelor thesis, HTW Berlin: 

"Untersuchung der in vitro Phototoxizität & quantitative Analytik des Tätowiermittelpigmentes
Carbon Black in Abhängigkeit von adsorbiertem Benzo[a]pyren"

2022, Aseel Alsarahni, Master thesis, Freie Universität Berlin: 

"Applicability and comparison of phototoxicity testing of tattoo pigments in 2D macrophages and 3D immunocompenent skin models"

2019, Obinna-Anthony Uzokwe, Master thesis, Universität Potsdam: 

 "Toxicity of tattoo pigments on primary human fibroblasts upon UVA irradiation"

2019, Selma Yildirim, Bachelor thesis, technische Universität Berlin: 

 "Identifizierung potentieller Tätowiermittelallergene nach UV-Bestrahlung von Pigment Rot 22 mittels LC-qTOF-MS/MS Analyse"

2018, Anja Yu Sung, Master thesis, Universität Potsdam: 

 "Untersuchung von zyto- und genotoxischen Eigenschaften Tätowiermittel-relevanter Karzinogene auf humanen Hautzellen"

2017, Lisa-Marie Eschner, Master thesis, Freie Universität Berlin: 

 "Identifizierung von potentiellen Allergenen nach Spaltung und Metabolisierung von Tätowiermittelpigmenten"

2016, Nadine Röder, Master thesis, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin: 

 "GC/MS-basierte Analyse laserinduzierter Zersetzungsprodukte organischer Tätowiermittelpigmente in Schweinehaut"

2015, Marie Gebhardt, Master thesis, BHT Berlin: 
"Entwicklung und Validierung einer analytischen Methode zur Identifizierung und Quantifizierung von Zersetzungsprodukten aus Tätowiermittelpigmenten nach Laserbestrahlung"

.. and 10+ students with internships, research projects, guest scientist and pupil.